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Local Florists

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Local Florists

We know you have many choices when you buy flowers at these sensitive times, and we strongly encourage you to call our trusted local florists first, for the most value, the freshest selections and the most personalized floral arrangements when sending your feelings across the miles.

Please understand that the floral links in our obituary section are strictly for convenience, and they link to online floral resources beyond our Monadnock Region. By accessing these links, you are leaving our website and going to a third party website not related to us at all, even though our logo may appear. We do not have any control over these resources and are not responsible for their availability, content, condition or delivery of service. 

Jaffrey, New Hampshire

Coll's Garden Center & Florist

63 North Street

Jaffrey, NH 03452

Phone:(603) 532-7516

Daffodil's Flowers & Gifts

11 Turnpike Road

Jaffrey, NH 03452

Phone:(603) 532-8282

Area Florists

To Each His Own Designs

68 Central Street

Winchendon, MA 01475

Phone: (978) 297-3959

The Occasional Florist

92 Hunt Hill Road

Rindge, NH 03461

Phone: (603) 899-5545

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